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The Quadriceps Femoris Group is located in the anterior thigh
and is made up of the Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis, and Vastus Intermedius.
The Quadriceps Femoris Group is frequently referred to as the Quads.
Anatomical Attachments: Action: Extends the leg at the knee.
Synergist: Rectus femoris, vastus medialis and vastus lateralis.
Antagonist: Gastrocnemius, Popliteus, Gracilis, and Sartorius.
Nerve Supply: Muscular branches of the femoral nerve (L2, L3 and L4).
Vascular supply: Lateral femoral circumflex artery.
Click on a small image to view an enlarged image Trigger Point Signs and Symptoms: Difficulty in fully extending the knee after sitting for a long period of time, buckling of the knee and pain in the knee during movement.
Trigger Point Activating and Perpetuating Factors: Mechanical overload of the Vastus Intermedius usually occur secondary, to compensation for TrP development in the other Quadriceps Femoris Muscles.
Differential Diagnosis: Tendinitis, Bursitis, Chondromalacia patellae, Subluxation/dislocation of the knee, Charcot’s arthropathy, Fibromyalgia, Gout, Infectious arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Osteomyelitis, Reiter’s Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, (Segmental, Subluxation, Somatic dysfunction) L2 L3 or L4 radiculopathy, Bone cancer, Bone fracture, Phantom leg pain with above knee amputation, Degenerative joint disease, articular dysfunction, ACL or PCL sprain or tears, Torn meniscus (cartilage), Patella femoral dysfunction, Sprain/Strain of the thigh or knee, Saphenous nerve entrapment, Iliotibial tract friction syndrome, Systemic infections or inflammation, Nutritional inadequacy, Metabolic imbalance, Toxicity, Side effects of medication.
Pain referral
Trigger points
Cranial nerve
Spinal nerve
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Quadriceps Femoris Group
Vastus Intermedius
Travell and Simons Trigger Point Pain Referral: