Pain referral
Trigger points
Cranial nerve
Spinal nerve
Cranial nerve VII - the Facial nerve
Signs and Symptoms of Lesions (Dependent upon Location)
If the lesion is located near
the Stylomastoid Foramen, the individual will exhibit a drooping of the mouth or drawing of the mouth to the affected side; collection of food between cheeks and
gums or a loss of sensation deep within face. Additionally, the individual may
experience the inability to whistle, wink or close their eye or wrinkle their forehead
and there may be a tearing of the eye. Flaccid paralysis of all the facial
expression muscles may occur on the effected side with degeneration occurring in
10-14 days.
If the lesion is located higher
in the Facial Canal involving the Stapedius Muscle, the signs mentioned above are
present, and hyperacusis (elevated, sometimes painful sense of hearing) is
If the lesion is located near
Geniculate Ganglion with an acute onset, vertigo, hearing loss and pain on and
within the ear preceding the palsy, consider Herpes Zoster Auricularis (Ramsay
Hunt’s Syndrome) of the tympanum or concha with possible cranial nerve VIII
If the lesion is located at the
emergence of the Facial Nerve from the Pons with involvement of other nerves (V,
VI, VIII, XI or XII) it causes Bell’s palsy and jaw winking. Closing of the eyes
occurs when the individual opens their mouth forcefully and maximally.
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Nerve Test
Lower facial voluntary
movements are tested by the practitioner requesting the individual to smile,
whistle, show their teeth and/or pucker their lips. Requesting the individual to
close their eyes and/or wrinkle their forehead tests upper facial musculature.
Facial nerve test 1
If the individual has the inability to demonstrate a complete smile, has a
facial droop and is unable to open their eyelid against the practitioner’s mild
resistance, the lesion is more centrally located. If they are unable to wrinkle
their forehead on one side, the lesion is located closer to the periphery.
Facial nerve test 2
The tongue’s anterior
2/3 is tested by the practitioner applying small amounts of solution (e.g.
sugar, saline and/or vinegar) to the individual’s tongue. The individual is
then requested to tell practitioner what was placed on their tongue (e.g. sour,
sweet and/or salty). Between each solution the mouth needs to be rinsed with
Facial nerve test 3
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